Wednesday, May 9, 2012


so as i was about to go to bed tonight...take note that its 2am here now. i was reading matthew 9 and started thinking how crazy all these miracles Jesus did were! now i'm not a Bible expert and i am not trying to give a sermon here or anything, but i think a lot of the time we just brush over those miracles and things because we've (or at least i have) heard them so many times. like "oh yeah Jesus raised someone from the dead...He does that.." or maybe don't even think of it at all. but it's amazing! and it should be! because he's God! so i mean obvs he'll be able to do some crazy stuff but he was human too! and with our faith we're supposed to be able to "move mountains" or all this crazy other how small is my faith? idk it's definitely interesting and i think something that could use a lot more thought, but i'll leave you all with that as i continue to ponder as i drift off to sleep.

speaking of sleep... i always go to bed hoping i will have some really fun crazy dream where i fly around and go on some cool adventure but it rarely happens...or maybe i just forget them. but here's to hoping you all have some crazy cool dreams in your future whether you fulfill them in your sleep or in life :)

goodnight world.

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