Thursday, May 10, 2012

extreme spontaneity

i don't know a lot of things in life.

i can't figure out how to upload pictures from my camera to my computer. i don't know how to change my homepage from that stupid one we have to use to get internet in the dorm. i honestly don't think i know how to go to bed early or use time management whatsoever. luckily we have google or i'd be lost for most of life.

thinking back on my first year of college i had a great time. i met so many new people and made so many new friends. but then when i compare my experience to other people's i wonder if i did it all right. i wonder if there was more that i was "supposed" to do and experience in my freshman year. theres all these things that you're supposed to do in college and i feel like i have so little time i need to make sure i fit it all in there.

but really, what we're supposed to do according to other people's standards shouldn't matter that much. i want to do things because i want to do them...not because i think i should. okay, now of course God has a whole plan lined up for my college experience too and i am so thankful for that or else i would be completely lost, but I'm talking about the in between stuff, the stuff that, yeah, God probably wants us to do, but if we don't go out there and do it ourselves it's not gonna happen. i'm talking about the spontaneous fun stuff that makes memories.
so here's to that
i'm going to be spontaneous next year, or even better, this summer.
if you talk to most people that know me well they'll probably tell you that i am spontaneous so i guess i have a head start. but. maybe ill go for extreme spontaneity. that's my goal...YOLO!

so life in the fast lane. living on the wire. changing it up. it's all gonna happen, just gotta make sure things don't get too crazy

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

freshman year

ok so i lied im not really feeling sleep right now...but when am i ever? except during the morning of course. i really do think I've converted to nocturnal most of the time....its kind of annoying actually.

but my life right now is kinda chaotic. i just moved out of the dorm at baylor earlier this week, then i drove to az with all my stuff, took it out of the car and repacked in a day then flew to indiana last night to start my summer school class this morning.
a busy week for sure.
i don't know if I've even really processed yet that my freshman year is over. next time i go to waco ill be getting ready to move into my new duplex with my 5 other roomies. I'm pumped for sure and really think it will be a great year but I'm going to feel so grown in a place with no one to watch out for me...adults i mean. no rules no CLs no parents. i will really be on my own (except for the roomies i guess but who knows if ill ever actually live alone)
anyways a lot to process.

but overall i had a really great freshman year! so much fun and adventure-filled! i really didn't even realize how much id miss it until i started thinking about leaving. i didn't realize how close id gotten to so many people there till i thought about not being with them for 4 months. i know i sound like a baby...4 months isn't really all that long but it is in college terms! and now i only have 3 years of college left!? haha i feel like i want to stay there forever. and i know it will just get better and better :)
i couldn't be happier with my experiences at baylor this year and want to thank everyone who made me feel so welcome there :) i think that baylor is the perfect place for me to grow and learn and i can't wait to see what else God has in store for me there. i feel like I've already learned a lot about myself but i have a lot of growing to do also.

man i feel like this blog is all over the place right now..sorry about that.
but in the mean time i want to be ready and willing for God to use and grow me now :) 4 months is a long summer and even though mine is already busy and planned out i know God has fun things in store


so as i was about to go to bed tonight...take note that its 2am here now. i was reading matthew 9 and started thinking how crazy all these miracles Jesus did were! now i'm not a Bible expert and i am not trying to give a sermon here or anything, but i think a lot of the time we just brush over those miracles and things because we've (or at least i have) heard them so many times. like "oh yeah Jesus raised someone from the dead...He does that.." or maybe don't even think of it at all. but it's amazing! and it should be! because he's God! so i mean obvs he'll be able to do some crazy stuff but he was human too! and with our faith we're supposed to be able to "move mountains" or all this crazy other how small is my faith? idk it's definitely interesting and i think something that could use a lot more thought, but i'll leave you all with that as i continue to ponder as i drift off to sleep.

speaking of sleep... i always go to bed hoping i will have some really fun crazy dream where i fly around and go on some cool adventure but it rarely happens...or maybe i just forget them. but here's to hoping you all have some crazy cool dreams in your future whether you fulfill them in your sleep or in life :)

goodnight world.
this was a blog for my sociology project but now that I'm done with the class, I'm thinking I'm gonna stick with it. follow along if you wanna hear more about my adventures through college at Baylor. :) i can't promise it'll be the most entertaining blog.....but i can promise that i WILL have adventures...and will write about them from time to time. I'm living life intentionally, choosing Jesus, choosing joy, being the change, loving life, livin young, wild, and free...and apparently livin with lots of trite aphorisms, too.

"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

Monday, April 16, 2012


conformity is something I think happens so often we often don't even notice it. I know that I have conformed in many ways since coming to Texas. I'm from Arizona, so all of this country stuff is new to me. Coming from home I promised I would never say "y'all", but there have been many times where it has almost slipped out or I've been tempted to use it because, as they say, it's just so convenient. Also, I have always been the type to wear dresses, all the time, anywhere, just because I like them. But since coming to Baylor, because often so many girls wear nike shorts or leggings and big t-shirts to class, I have started to conform. First, I just started wearing nike shorts every once in a while, but that turned into more often and as my tshirt collection grew, I just had to wear all the new ones all the time. Either way, looking back I barely noticed the changes, but I definitely have conformed to Baylor fads.

women around the world

this picture shows us the different gender roles for women in different cultures. they are both evaluated differently by their cultures and each allow different freedoms to the woman. it is interesting to think of how others must view our own culture here in America.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pretty Woman

I had never seen the movie before but it was on TV recently so I decided to watch it. I thought it was a really cute movie but what really stood out to me were how societal norms were illustrated. In the movie, Julia Roberts's character isn't used to the society that she is put in, she doesn't know norms for aristocratical society, nor does she care about them. She acts as she pleases and breaks many social norms along the way. In contrast, Richard Gere's character is all about following social norms. He wants her to dress right, act right, not chew gum in public, and give a good impression. He cares a lot about what other people think, so he follows social norms and tries to get her to, too. In the end the contrast of their reactions to social norms show the differences in how they were brought up and what their culture is.

here's the trailer for the movie and it shows the different ways they react to social norms