Monday, April 16, 2012


conformity is something I think happens so often we often don't even notice it. I know that I have conformed in many ways since coming to Texas. I'm from Arizona, so all of this country stuff is new to me. Coming from home I promised I would never say "y'all", but there have been many times where it has almost slipped out or I've been tempted to use it because, as they say, it's just so convenient. Also, I have always been the type to wear dresses, all the time, anywhere, just because I like them. But since coming to Baylor, because often so many girls wear nike shorts or leggings and big t-shirts to class, I have started to conform. First, I just started wearing nike shorts every once in a while, but that turned into more often and as my tshirt collection grew, I just had to wear all the new ones all the time. Either way, looking back I barely noticed the changes, but I definitely have conformed to Baylor fads.

women around the world

this picture shows us the different gender roles for women in different cultures. they are both evaluated differently by their cultures and each allow different freedoms to the woman. it is interesting to think of how others must view our own culture here in America.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pretty Woman

I had never seen the movie before but it was on TV recently so I decided to watch it. I thought it was a really cute movie but what really stood out to me were how societal norms were illustrated. In the movie, Julia Roberts's character isn't used to the society that she is put in, she doesn't know norms for aristocratical society, nor does she care about them. She acts as she pleases and breaks many social norms along the way. In contrast, Richard Gere's character is all about following social norms. He wants her to dress right, act right, not chew gum in public, and give a good impression. He cares a lot about what other people think, so he follows social norms and tries to get her to, too. In the end the contrast of their reactions to social norms show the differences in how they were brought up and what their culture is.

here's the trailer for the movie and it shows the different ways they react to social norms

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Baylor sports

It has been a fun year at Baylor sports-wise. We did so well in football and our RG3 was the Heisman trophy winner, our men's basketball team went all the way to the Elite 8 and our women's bball team finished number 1 winning the championship. All of this made for some fun celebrations for Baylor students. And while it is great that Baylor has been doing so well in sports this year, apparently some of our recruiters disobeyed some rules. They texted and called saying things they weren't allowed to and now there are "sanctions" against Baylor, or punishments. These sanctions are included in the link below.


Everytime I go to the grocery store I always look at the gossip magazines while I wait in the check out line. And I was thinking back on different things I've read in those magazines and realized how half of the time the things they state about celebrities live or pop culture or things they predict about different pop culture events never come true. These statements that they print as fact are really just rumors and should not be so easily believed. Now, of course I knew not to believe everything you read, but it's interesting to look back and see how much of what they say really turns out to be true.